Industries & businesses
These are some industries and businesses that we have already worked for in the past and work for them in present as well. It also has some industries that we want to work for eagerly in future.
Education Industry

We have worked for clients coming from the education industry including Coaching Institutes, Foreign Education Consultants, & Non-Conventional Education organizations. We have not yet worked with a school or college but we are very eager to work with them in future.
Edtech Startups

To be honest we have worked with just one ed-tech startup but the experience was enriching and enlightening for our team. Our team is actively involved in streamlining their structure and helping them establish their footprints across India.
Membership Services

Working for membership services required us to understand every bit of their industry and to work very closely with the client's team to give the desired results. We have designed referral programs, websites, funnel and what not for our clients from this industry.
Interior Designers

Interior designing services are a very personal thing and required us to create an unquestioning trust in the prospective customers of our clients surfing us on the internet to make them feel that they are at the right place and the right solution can be offered to them.

E-Commerce is one of the trickiest business to be in and to bring desired sales for our clients it takes every piece of effort and mind but with time we have established systems in place to ensure o good ROI and a good ROAS.
VISA consultants

Education Industry has been our expertise for a long as the very first clients we ever served were from the education industry and VISA consultants are again a sub-niche that we love to work for.
Travel & Tourism

Clientele from the tourism industry has been fairly low in the last couple of years due to the outbreak of Covid however pre covid era we have thoroughly helped clients from this industry make a good fortune. With the advent of clouds of covid now shattering we will be looking forward to working with these clients starting in next couple of months.
Industrial Products

Marketing of Industrial products is absolutely a different race as compared to retail sectors. This happens to be very organized and very professional. We have worked our hands very well for building personal profiles for our clients from this industry helping them make a good fortune thereon.
Cafe's & Restaurants

From the core of our heart, we would like to say cafes and restaurants are one of the most interesting industries we have worked for. We have helped our clients generate immense footfall on their places and made multiple times the money they invested in marketing.
Health & Wellness Industry

Our compliance division has heavily worked for pharma companies, doctors, PCD companies, and whatnot but our Marketing division is yet to have its first client from the health industry and e are so eager to help our first client from this industry to make a really good fortune with our spectacular strategies.